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Coopetrabasur - Consejo de Administración

The Council of Administration is the first organ of the cooperative in which the General Assembly delegates its authority.

This Council is responsible of defining the path that the cooperative will take in the social field, for which it fixes the goals and it establishes regulations for the development and progress of COOPETRABASUR.

The Administration Council is integrated by seven members, five are titular and two substitutes; elected by the General Assembly for periods of two years with the possibility of being re-elected.

This organ meets, as minimum, once a month and within its obligations can be emphasized to guard for the accomplishment of the objectives of the cooperative, what is included in the social statute of COOPETRABASUR, the agreements of the assembly and its own agreements.

The Administration Council decides on the admission and resignation of the associates; in addition, to the Manager’s request, it names and removes the staff of the administrative area.

This body also has the faculty to recommend to the General Assembly the way to distribute the excesses and the payment of interests, product of the economic activities of the cooperative.

On the Administration Council it also falls the responsibility to name the manager of the cooperative, to analyze the mistakes of associates and their possible sanctions, as well as to approve the annual budget and to solve on those non budgeted items; among others.

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