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Fair Commerce is an alternative form of commercialization promoted by several nongovernmental organizations, United Nations, social and political movements that look for an equitable commercial relation between producers and consumers.

To be part of Fair Commerce an organization must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The producers must integrate a cooperative or organization that works in a democratic way.
  • Reject children’s exploitation.
  • Practice equality between men and women.
  • Work with dignity, respecting human rights.
  • The price paid to the producers allows worthy conditions of life.
  • Buyers generally pay in advance to avoid that the producers will look for other ways to finance themselves.
  • It is valued the quality and the ecological production.
  • Respect to the natural environment.
  • Intermediaries between producers and consumers are avoided.
  • It is informed to the consumers about the origin of the product.



FLO is the Fairtrade Labelling International Organization, which comprises of an international network of organizations of Fair Commerce that in an active way, supports producers, it spreads Fair Commerce and it makes campaigns to change the rules and practices of the conventional commerce at an international level.

FLO represents organizations of producers certified in Fair Commerce in Latin America, Africa and Asia. This organization is the one in charge of the definition and certification of the Criteria of Fair Commerce; which guarantee the consumer that the producers of the developing countries are receiving a just treatment.

In the case of the IFAT this is constituted as the International Association of Fair Commerce. It has as objective the promotion of the principles of Fair Commerce with the objective of favoring the development of new markets

Finally, the CLAC is a gremial instance of representation, coordination, exchange and collaboration for the fortification of the organizations of cooperative type of small producers of Latin America and of the Caribbean within the framework of Fair Commerce.

The Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of Small Producers of Fair Commerce, is a regional organism that has its first antecedents in the Latin American Coordinator of Small Coffee Producers (CLA) and in the Latin American network of small beekeepers (PAUAL) both founded in 1996.

In the case of COOPETRABASUR, it was in 1997 when it knows Fair Commerce thanks to the initiative impelled during that year by the Dutch ONG Solidarity that decides to impel a program of Fair Commerce due to the price fall of the box of banana in the European supermarkets.

COOPETRABASUR is a cooperative affiliated with the organizations mentioned above.

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